No one wants to think about being injured in an accident, but it can happen at any time. When you get hurt because someone else was negligent, like in a car accident, you can file a claim with their insurance company and maybe even your own.
But even if you have a valid claim and are owed money for medical bills, time lost from work, or even pain and suffering, there is no guarantee that the insurance will be there for you when you need them most. Insurance companies have their own set of rules and guidelines they must follow before paying out on claims.
While their commercials may boast about their friendliness, insurance companies are not always fair or honest with people trying to collect payments from them. They may try to lowball the amount of money they owe you or may even deny your claim entirely if it doesn't fit into some obscure loophole in their policy.
This legal guide shows you how to get the compensation you deserve after suffering injuries from someone else's negligence or carelessness. It is a must-have for anyone who is injured.