5 July, 2023

DUI Attorney Shares 3 Reasons Why Driving Under the Influence is More Common in Summer

DUI charges are more common during the summer months as people partake in summer activities such as camping, barbecues and beach trips. Summer activities often involve alcohol which increases the chance of impaired driving. If you have been charged with a DUI, call DUI Attorney Doug Rohan who has a proven track record of successfully defending clients in these types of cases and providing expert advice and personalized attention to each case.
10 May, 2023

Should I talk to the Police about a Criminal Case?

Being accused of a criminal charge and approached by law enforcement officers to talk about your case can be overwhelming, and often makes you wonder if it is really in your best interest. Don't make any decisions until you read this blog to learn how to proceed in a criminal case. Otherwise, saying nothing at all may be your best option. Protect yourself and your rights by consulting with a Criminal Defense Attorney from Rohan Law, we’re here to help you navigate this difficult time.