31 May, 2024

Workplace Accidents in Georgia And The Role of a Work Accident Attorney

If you've been injured at work, don't leave your future to chance or the goodwill of insurers. In our latest blog post you will understand your rights and the critical role that a work accident attorney plays in ensuring your rights are upheld and securing the benefits that are rightfully yours.
14 March, 2024

3 Critical Factors to Consider About Construction Accidents During the Ladder Safety Month

March is not only about welcoming spring; it’s also a time to recognize and emphasize Ladder Safety Month. Ladder-related accidents are some of the most severe types of construction accidents, accounting for a substantial amount of injuries and fatalities in the work environment. In this blog post you will be able to learn the three most important factors you must consider if you use ladders at work.
28 February, 2024

Why Hiring a Recognized Workers’ Comp Law Firm Can Make All The Difference

In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of hiring a recognized Workers' Comp Law Firm when suffering a workplace accident, particularly one led by the experienced work accident attorney Doug Rohan, owner of Rohan Law and president of the Georgia Injured Workers Advocates (GIWA).
9 February, 2024

This is What You Need To Know About Hiring a Work Accident Attorney in Georgia

If you've been injured at work, don't leave your future to chance or the goodwill of insurers. In our latest blog post you will understand your rights and the critical role that a work accident attorney plays in ensuring your rights are upheld and securing the benefits that are rightfully yours.
25 May, 2023

3 Things Your Insurance Company Will Try to Use Against You In Your Workers’ Compensation Case

Did you know that insurance companies have numerous resources at their disposal to use against your workers’ compensation case? Get to know about the top three tactics they use to deny injured workers the compensation they rightfully deserve. Don't let them take advantage of you - arm yourself with the knowledge to fight back and contact Rohan Law for a FREE consultation.
27 March, 2023

5 Important Things You Should Know About Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

When you get hurt at work, your employer relies on the insurance company’s attorneys to protect their interest. They have lawyers and medical professionals, all working against you! You need to take steps to look out for yourself by learning these 5 things about workers' compensation claims, and make sure your rights are protected. An Experienced Workers' Compensation Attorney from Rohan Law can help you get everything you deserve for your workers' compensation claim. We are just a phone call away from springing into action to protect your rights today.