13 April, 2022

Car Accident? Check If the Other Driver Was on Their Cell Phone.

How to know if you need a car accident lawyer? If you were in an accident, you most likely do, even if the accident was not your fault. If you were hurt because someone else broke the law by driving with a cell phone, failing to yield, or following too closely, an auto accident lawyer can make sure your rights are respected and that you are fairly compensated.
4 April, 2022

Proving Your Innocence: How Dash Cams Can Help You Save Money on Auto Insurance and Increase Your Recovery

Being in a car crash can be a stressful experience, but a dash cam can ease some of that stress. You and your loved ones could get hurt, and there can be major property damage to deal with afterwards. And if you are found to be "at fault" after the accident, your insurance premiums can go up.